Welcome to Healthy Being!
How Is Your Havingness?
Your ability to receive, have, or draw in what you desire is determined by an aspect of your consciousness called your havingness. The universe is absolutely abundant, so why aren't you? Why not receive a free gift of my Havingness Questionnaire to find your Havingness Score.
The List Book and Online Course
The List is a self-help tool to put order into our lives as we resolve the multitude of self-imposed flaws in our consciousness. It was originally conceived by Dr Sir John Whitman Ray, founder of the natural healing modality, Body Electronics.
While he did write about and teach The List, most students have nonetheless underestimated the pivotal role of this simple, yet powerful method, focussing more on pointholding. I set out to bring The List to a wider audience in 2006 when I wrote The List - The Art of Constructive Manifestation. Now it's an online course!
The course covers the fundamentals of how to build, organise and use your List, and then explores increasingly deeper applications, especially relating to karmic completion. If you've got fears, here's the step-by-step method for dealing with them. If you've got pride issues, here's the step-by-step method. If you've got issues with grief, here's the step-by-step method.
There are two main reasons why the same old patterns of experience keep repeating:
- because we have made choices of beingness and can't let go of them, as the result of our emotional resistance to the physical fruits of our mental creative activity, and
- because the grand design is that we have not been created to ruin our lives and then be abandoned. Although we may have trouble seeing it or feeling continual gratitude for it, we are never alone and karma is our eternal gift of another chance to get it right this time.
You could choose to read my book, The List - The Art of Constructive Manifestation, instead because it's a whole lot cheaper (naturally, I recommend both), but if I say so myself, although I wrote a great book, I wrote an awesome course.
“The List was shown to me to be the most important item we can place our attention upon to reconstruct our lives and bring order into existence out of the disorder we have created.”
Dr John Whitman Ray
Mission Statement
At Healthy Being we are dedicated to addressing the true causes behind all
health conditions. While we can help with the relief of symptoms, we also recognise that symptoms have an internal or external cause that, unless rectified, will tend to result in the eventual reappearance of the symptoms.
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This Month at Healthy Being...
The big news is that my online course for The List is finally up and running. You can read more about it above or by clicking on the banner below.
"The List - The Art of Constructive Manifestation" book is also available, now in its second edition.
Also, an expanded edition of The Beginner's Guide to Body Electronics will be available in 2024. You can grab the last few copies of the current edition at the old price while they last.
My pages about natural approaches to fertility, pregnancy and childbirth also continue to be popular. You can read a preview below.
What is Body Electronics?
Contrary to what may be suggested by the name,
Body Electronics, there are no gadgets or electrical devices used. The name simply refers to the innate electrical or electronic nature of the body and the method and benefits of removing blockages and alterations to the flow of nerve impulses and other forms of communication in the body.
What is Pointholding?
Pointholding is one of the main therapeutic aspects of Body Electronics. It usually involves applying finger pressure to a region of the body with the intention of helping dissolve crystals underlying that area. These crystals interfere with nerve impulses and other forms of communication in the body.
Featured Book
The List - The Art of Constructive Manifestation brings together the elegant simplicity of The List and deeper insight into its proper application and action.
I am ever amazed by the ubiquitous and manifold aspects of The List and how its daily use can underpin all our efforts to bring our chosen direction in life to fruition. Whether it be your spiritual path, your personal road to health or freedom, or just your desire to "sort out your life", The List is a profoundly potent and far-reaching tool to help you get there.
You can buy your copy here.
Or you can check out my reviews and links to other books for Body Electronics or natural health.